
12 minutes alone ending
12 minutes alone ending

12 minutes alone ending

Now if you're new to our podcast, I just want to make sure you know how to use it.

12 minutes alone ending


Welcome to the Sunday on Monday Study Group, a Deseret Bookshelf Plus original brought to you by LDS Living, where we take the Come, Follow Me lesson for the week and we really dig into the scriptures together. Today's study of 1 Kings chapters 17-19 will tackle faith, and hopefully have us looking forward to any faith-defining moment that comes our way. I've been thinking about faith a lot lately, because for me, it seems to be a fading gospel principle because in the world today, I'm realizing answers come immediately, purchases can be made and delivered quickly, problems solved almost too easily, and, that uncomfortable space of uncertainty can be filled with a number of devices or apps that can numb our senses, creating almost a counterfeit faith that can soothe an aching soul. Hirsch, Karl Budde, Solomon Schechter, “Jonah,” (Cites Jewish Midrash that the prophet Jonah could have been the widow’s son)ġ Kings 18:3–4 (Obadiah hides the prophets)ġ Kings 18:7–8 (Elijah tells Obadiah to get Ahab)ġ Kings 18:24–29 (Elijah challenges the false god Baal)ġ Kings 18:30–39 (The Lord brings down fire on Elijah’s sacrifice and the people acknowledge the Lord is the true God)ġ Kings 18:40–46 (Elijah has all the false prophets killed)ĬR: 3 Nephi 13:24 (No one can serve two masters)ġ Kings 19:5–8 (God sends an angel to feed Elijah)ġ Kings 19:11–12 (God sends Elijah forth and speaks in a still small voice) 21, 2017, 8).ġ Kings 17:17–18 (The widow of Zarephath’s son dies)ġ Kings 17: 19–24 (Elijah prays and widow’s son comes back to life) Oaks, “Challenges to the Mission of Brigham Young University,” BYU Leadership Conference, Apr. “‘Faith without works is dead.’ But, ‘Works without faith is even deader’” ( President Dallin H. Link: “Elijah and the Sealing Power of the Holy Priesthood: 1 Kings 17–2 Kings 2,” Old Testament Student Manual: Kings–Malachi, ġ Kings 17:1–7 (Elijah asks God for a famine and is fed by a raven)ĬR: Luke 4:25 (The famine lasts more than three years)ġ Kings 17:9 (Elijah is sent to the widow of Zarephath)ġ Kings 17:5, 10–13 (Elijah meets the widow of Zarephath and asks for food)ġ Kings 17:13–16 (Elijah blesses the widow to never run out of food) 1 Kings 16:30–31 (King Ahab and Queen Jezebel are introduced)ĬR: Doctrine and Covenants 110 (Elijah appears at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple)

12 minutes alone ending